Feb 6, 2024

Getting Your Lawn Ready for Spring in Northeast Ohio

Getting Your Lawn Ready for Spring in Northeast Ohio
Josh Brazytis
Getting Your Lawn Ready for Spring in Northeast Ohio

After the long winter, Northeast Ohio residents in places like Macedonia, Aurora, Hudson, and Chagrin Falls are eager to see their lawns green up again. March and April are ideal months to start preparing your lawn for the warmer seasons ahead. Here are some tips:

~ Rake and Dethatch:

Use a sturdy rake to remove dead grass, leaves, and debris from your lawn. Dethatching helps improve drainage and lets air, water, and nutrients reach grass roots more easily. This is especially important after our snowy winters.


Compacted soil makes it hard for grass to thrive. Rent an aerator to poke holes in your lawn and allow fertilizers to better reach the roots. Focus on high traffic areas that get compressed over time.

~Apply Fertilizer

A slow release fertilizer formulated for lawns in our climate helps give grass the nutrients it craves coming out of dormancy. Follow product guidelines based on the size of your yard.


Spring is the perfect time to overseed your lawn and fill in bare or thin patches. Choose a seed blend suited for our region's cold winters and hot summers.

~Adjust Your Mower:

Avoid cutting more than 1/3 of the total height of your grass in one pass. Taller grass has deeper roots and better withstands heat and drought.

With some sweat equity now, you'll be rewarded with a lush, green lawn all summer long! Let me know if you need any other Northeast Ohio region-specific lawn care tips!

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